Join Ian Douglas at 6:30 pm Friday for brass and pipe band music.

This is a special subject program presenting music of Brass, Concert (or Military) Bands and also Highland Pipe bands, and of the instruments used in those bands. The program has been a feature of the station ever since it first came on air in February 1991. As a player in Brass and Concert bands, and thus having knowledge of the wide repertoire they have, Ian tries to present music other than a bare minimum of marches and test pieces. In particular Ian seeks out recordings made by local bands, and also makes recordings of some of them for use on the program. Information is also given on band concerts in the local area, and occasionally interviews with band notables are presented too.

Ian Douglas

Ian has lived in Croydon since 1941. His education was at Croydon Primary School in Oxford Rd (now Mt Dandenong Rd), Box Hill Boys Technical School, and the Royal Melbourne Technical College. He is a qualified Communications Engineer. He also has teaching and management qualifications. His career involved TV broadcast engineering, lecturing in engineering at RMIT, and then working in research, training and outside plant at Telstra and its predecessors for 35 years. He was a National Serviceman in 1957 and subsequently became a Captain in the Royal Australian Corps of Signals. In addition to being the President of Croydon Citizens’ Bands, and an Executive Member of the Victorian Bands’ League, Ian has sung in stage productions and in choirs. He currently sings tenor in the Box Hill Chorale. He is a Voluntary Guide at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance. He is also the Regimental Bugler of the Victorian Colonial Infantry Association, a group which researches and re-enacts the pre-Federation Victorian Army.