Peter O’Brien
Roger Broadbent began by asking Peter about his love affair with the microphone which began long before he became involved with Radio Eastern.
We pick up the conversation with Peter telling Roger Broadbent about how he became President of Radio Eastern for a time.
Bob Toll
This time our guest is Bob Toll, familiar to listeners as the presenter of Karussell, which has itself celebrated it’s 30th anniversary only recently.
In this conversation with Roger Broadbent, Bob begins by talking about the various jobs he did that would eventually lead him to Radio Eastern.
In the second part of our 30th Anniversary interview with Bob Toll we learn that apart from presenting numerous programmes during his time with Radio Eastern, he has also played a role behind the scenes, as he explains to Roger Broadbent.
Peter McArthur
In an interview recorded in the early 2000s Peter talks about his early days in radio and his time with the ABC.
The interviewer is Roger Broadbent.
In an interview recorded a few years before his passing, Peter talks about the early days of Radio Eastern and those who worked with him to establish the station.
The interviewer is Bill Page.
Russ has been a fixture at Radio Eastern for more than 30 years and as he explained to Roger Broadbent his life prior to joining community radio was very much community oriented.
Russ Reed
We rejoin our interview with Russ Read to hear about the fire that almost ended the Radio Eastern story. That was on 13th July 2003, as Russ explains to Roger Broadbent.
Brian Amos
In this interview Brian Amos talks about the many highlights of his more than 30 years with 3ECB and his two passions – Non-Professional Theatre and Australian country music. Roger Broadbent begins by asking Brian to take us back to when he first embarked on his radio career.
Brian Amos is well known for his promotion of Australian country music and visited the Tamworth Country Music Festival on numerous occasions in the company of his colleague Daryl Burr. As he explains to Roger Broadbent.
Peter O’Connor
Although Peter O’Connor is not a voice you’ll hear regularly on air he’s been associated with the station since 1989 and has been actively involved for most of that time, initially as a presenter and in more recent years working behind the scenes in the technical and production areas.
Peter is visually impaired although, as you’ll hear in this interview, that’s never held him back, in fact it provided with the impulse to commit himself to community radio, both here in Melbourne and in Shepparton where he now lives.
Roger Broadbent discovered that Peter O’Connor’s love of radio began when, as a young fellow, he was given a crystal set.
In the second part of our 30th Anniversary interview with Peter O’Connor he explains to Roger Broadbent why he finds working in community radio so satisfying..
Bill Page
This time our 30th Anniversary interview series throws the spotlight on Bill Page, familiar to listeners of his Personal Collection, a programme broadcast every Thursday at 6pm.
As we’ll hear Bill has been a part of Radio Eastern for well over thirty years despite the fact that he never seriously considered a career in broadcasting.
Bill began his conversation with Roger Broadbent by talking about life pre-Radio Eastern.
In the second part of this interview with Bill Page he explains to Roger Broadbent what attracts him to community broadcasting.
Ian Douglas
This time our guest is Ian Douglas, presenter of Easterly Winds, which is broadcast every Friday evening at 6:30.
In this conversation with Roger Broadbent, Ian begins by talking about his love for radio which takes us back to his youth.
In the second part of our interview with Ian Douglas we hear about his involvement with the brass band community in the outer east and the promotion of this genre of music via his programme ‘Easterly Winds’.